What We Offer
Support Groups

We offer blended meetings (in-person and virual). Please contact pflaggcv@gmail.com for the physical address or zoom link.
Trans Families Group & Trans Peer Group
Third Saturday of each month
5:30-7:00pm ET
Cville Journeys (affiliate)
Is your child trans, nonbinary, or gender expansive? Come join us for monthly adventures in and around Charlottesville! We work hard to create affirming spaces where our kids can just be kids, and know that the people around them accept them exactly as they are.
Parents attend our outings alongside their kids, and siblings are always welcome to join in the fun.
For more information, please contact cvillejourneys@gmail.com

Lending Library
PFLAG Greater Charlottesville has a lending library with books and films available to the community. For more information about these materials, please contact us.
Donations to our lending library are appreciated. We maintain a wishlist at Amazon.com where you may purchase items and have them sent directly to us.
If you plan to send us an order from our Amazon wishlist, please send us a note to let us know so we will be looking for your item and can thank you when it arrives. The community appreciates your support!